Home of the Mad Rat Magazine - (The World's Best Free Rockin' Rag)

Oi Oi and welcome to the home of the world famous Mad Rat Magazine, the only free monthly Rockin' rag in the UK. We've been producing the Mag on and off for the past 10 years and since September 2005 we have produced the new look, all singing, all jivin' magazine which is published & distributed in the last week of every month. I'm pleased to say that the Mag is now distributed throughout the UK and via the web to over 10,000 readers every month, presenting reviews, interviews, gig guide and loads of other rockin' related stuff. For our sponsors we offer an affordable way to spread the good word to our readers every month..Click on the image to download this month's edition
The Magazine is published by a crack team of three part timers who have been of the Rockin' scene for over twenty years. With their wealth of experience and network of friends and contacts, the Mag holds
great content. However, I set out to produce this Mag for the good Rockin' folk by the good Rockin' folk so I encourage all you readers to send in articles, reviews and views about anything Rock 'n' Roll related. Send us your feedback <click here>